Nitrox certification online.Online Nitrox LessonsEnriched air nitrox.

Padi nitrox certification online.

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Online Scuba Lessons
Nitrox Certification Course

PADI Nitrox scuba course. Nitrox certification online. Padi nitrox enriched air diver.

Only $139.95 complete!!
 Includes 4 modules, final exam,
and a Lifetime Nitrox Scuba Certification Card.

Must be a certified diver to complete the course.

Open Water dives are not required, but encouraged!
No dive shop visit! Save the added expense!


Frequently Asked Questions

What do others have to say about the scuba course?

Nitrox Diving Course Online Nitrox diver on the Reef Padi nitrox course online

Nitrox is the Future of Diving...

Do you want to increase your bottom time,
add a tremendous margin of safety,
have more physical energy, 
stamina, and mental clarity on your dives?
It is definitly worth it to get nitrox certified.

Nitrox is the answer for you!

Nitrox certification online. Celebrate President Trump's First 100 Days Enriched air nitrox.
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Nitrox Diving Course Online Enriched air diving course. Padi scuba diving

Become an Enriched Air Diver...

You get the book work done from home,
complete each quiz and the final exam,
we send a Lifetime Nitrox Certification Card.
Open Water dives are not required, but encouraged!
No dive shop visit! Save the added expense!

A ticket to the adventure of a lifetime!


elearning nitrox course Get your nitrox card online. Padi Nitrox diving.

Begin your adventure today!!
Our scuba home study course materials
allow you to learn at your own pace.  It's done all online, nothing to download.
We will send you a Username and Password so you can log on to the course right away.

Students can complete the course entirely from home or office
at any time of the day or night.


Virtual nitrox certification. Instant nitrox certification free. Get nitrox card online.

This Nitrox certification scuba course
is designed to teach you the
Physics and Physiology of Nitrox Scuba Diving.

Only $139.95 complete!!
 Includes 4 modules, final exam,
and a Lifetime Nitrox Scuba Certification Card.

Must be a certified diver to complete the course.


Frequently Asked Questions

The course is divided into 4 separate modules:

Module 1
Review of Scuba & Intro to Nitrox
The history of Enriched Air Nitrox
What is Nitrox?
Review of Basic Scuba Diving Concepts
What is Pressure?
What about Air consumption?
How long I stay underwater on a tank of nitrox?
Decompression Sickness (The Bends)
Review the Dive Tables

Lots of Underwater scuba dive photos

Module 2
Underwater Sciences - Physics
Dalton's Law of Physics
Oxygen Toxicity
Partial Pressure  - Nitrox I
Partial Pressure  - Nitrox II
The Advantages of Nitrox over Air
Nitrox for Decompression stops

Complete each quiz and the final exam,
we send a Lifetime Nitrox Certification Card.
Open Water dives are not required, but encouraged!
No dive shop visit! Save the added expense!

It's That Easy!

Module 3
Nitrox Dive Planning
Equivalent Air Depths
Maximum Exposure Time Limits
Nitrox I Dive Tables
Nitrox II Dive Tables

Nothing to download!
You don't have to wait for Books or CD to ship!
It's done entirely online from the comfort of your home!

Module 4
Nitrox Scuba Equipment
Cylinder Markings
Nitrox safe scuba equipment

You can do the course with your 
friends and family.
Call or Email our staff of Scuba Instructors 
and get help for FREE!

After completing each section, you will be given a quiz.
You must receive a 100% score on each quiz before proceeding to the next section.
 Don't worry, our staff of Certified Instructors will help you, FREE of charge, if you get stuck!
 Then, after you have completed all the quizzes, you will be given a Final Exam.

You will be given a Password and URL via E-mail when you Order the Course!

Click here if you already have your
Username and Password


Online Nitrox Certification

Contact Us!

Thanks for the quick response.   I really appreciated the opportunity to do the course entirely online. I took a Nitrox course on a liveaboard about 3 years ago. I did 20-some dives on Nitrox, but never got around to sending in the necessary paperwork to get the card.  I've got a dive vacation coming up in October and figured your course would be a good review of the material, as well as provide me with the necessary nitrox certification card. It turns out to have been a far more comprehensive course than the traditional course I took on the liveaboard.
Gayle, Oregon

Thank you. You have been very helpful. I also enjoyed the way you presented the nitrox course. I truly learned what I needed to know.
David, Ohio

The course was exactly what I needed!  I had forgotten the basic concepts.  Thanks for your knowledge.  My wife and I went to Bonaire where we were able to use nitrox for the first time.  What a difference.
Steve and Patty, New York

You're the BEST!  This online course was structured well, and extremely easy to understand but didn't cut any corners whatsoever.  I will recommend it to all my dive buddies who aren't yet Nitrox certified.  Thanks again!
Katy, Florida

I wanted to send a quick note and thank you for this wonderful online tool.  It has saved me a ton of time, most of
which would have been on my vacation I am sure, and I think I have a pretty solid understanding of Nitrox diving,
along with a great refresher for my dive basics.  The ability to read and re-read the modules helped and the test was not intimitating as I could try again and again until I got it right.  Thank you and I look forward to my first Nitrox dive in October!!
Kathi, Seattle, WA

Wow.....impressive format......we liked the "Bwana says" commentary. It
was very informative and detailed, but not to over whelming to where
you get lost in calculations and physiologic definitions.
Charles and Vonda, Florida

Today is my last day in Bonaire.   I used only nitrox on the weeklong trip, 20 Dives.   I highly recommend your certification course.  It was through and only took me 2 days to complete.
Thank You !
Mark, Atlanta  GA

You will be given a Password and URL via E-mail when you Order the Course!